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The Book Arts League would like to thank all the artists who participated in the 4th International Edible Book Show & Tea. Your contribution is appreciated!
The selection of books shown here has been rather arbitrary, first, due to the particular photographs that were available, second, by the restrictions of displaying them in the low-res medium of a web page, and finally by the escalating size of this project.
We will try to make corrections and add more images to this site, but we need to post it without too much further delay.
The League would like to thank BMoCA, for their continued support in providing such a congenial venue, and Lyra Kilston and Brandi Mathis for their invaluable help; our appreciation to the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse and Celestial Seasonings for making the event a real tea party; to Ideal Market, Juanita's Mexican Food, Panasia Fusion, Sunflower Fine Organic Cuisine for making possible a sumptuous array of non-book treats. Our special thanks to Repeat-O-Type Manufacturing Corporation, without whom the hectograph demonstration would not have been possible.
Thanks to Jeff Becker for creating the cards identifying the books and for maintaining data on the exhibitors. Thanks to Linda Bevard for the cake hassle.
The following books are not yet pictured, but were gratefully viewed and eaten:
Title: Big Iraq Attack
Artist: Jeff Becker
Ingredients: McDonalds Big Mac
Title: Consequence
Artist: Alicia Bailey, Cheryl Bailey
Ingredients: NA
Title: Berry Fondue of Books
Artist: Amy Baker
Ingredients: Strawberries, chocolate, sugar cookies, bananas
Title: Bible Gallery
Artist: Evert Brown
Ingredients: Cake, icing, printed edible paper
Title: Chautauqua
Artist: Evert Brown
Ingredients: Wafer paper and edible markers
Title: Peace-a
Artist: Shelley Garrelts
Ingredients: Tortinos, cheese pizza, bell peppers, Slim Jims
Title: The Life and Times of Alexander Graham Bell, by S. More
Artist: Christine Hurley
Ingredients: Graham Crackers, chocolate, frosting
Title: What we Know About the Universe or:
What Men Know About Women and Vice Versa
Artist: Christine Hurley
Ingredients: Cheese-it, rice paper, cream cheese
Title: Lettuce Go Now, you and I
Artist: Christine Hurley
Ingredients: Lettuce, celery
Title: Old Chinese Manuscript
Artist: Van Leppthien
Ingredients: Spring roll skin, food color
Title: Picture Album
Artist: Van Leppthien
Ingredients: Egg roll skin, Twizzlers, food color
Title: Rejections
Artist: Van Leppthien
Ingredients: Tortilla, egg roll skin, spring roll skin
Title: A Bunny Love Tail
Artist: Greg Miller
Ingredients: Flour tortilla, powdered sugar, marchmallow bunnies, chives, red licorice
Title: Edible Words
Artist: Kay Moller
Ingredients: Sugar cookie dough
Title: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Artist: Kay Moller
Ingredients: Sugar cookie dough, frosting
Title: States of Belonging
Artist: Louise Padden
Ingredients: Rice Krispy treats, rolled fondant, edible markers
Title: Carousel Book
Artist: Louise Padden
Ingredients: Wafer paper and edible markers
Title: The Sweetnesss of Life
Artist: Jill Powers
Ingredients: Rhubarb, kombu, filo dough, peach preserves, butter
Title: Silent Tales of Taste
Artist: Adriana Restrepo
Ingredients: NA
Title: Eat Your Words Raw or Broken Dreams
Artist: The Rockinger family
Ingredients: Chocolate, cookies
Title: Lunch Book
Artist: Lin Rui
Ingredients: Bread, egg white, pecan, honey, rhubarb
Title: Sunday in Baghdad
Artist: Candy Systra
Ingredients: Egg shells, jello, alphabet pasta, food dye, cake decorating gel,edible flowers
Title: Drop Spot!
Artist: Alan Warner
Ingredients: Listerine strips, food color markers
Title: In the Midst of a Cracked Shell a New Earth Emerges.
Artist: Kristin White
Ingredients: Soy ice cream w/ peanut butter, chocolate, graham crackers, chocolate chip cookies, licorice