THE Book Arts League, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, exists to further the traditional and contemporary arts and crafts of letterpress printing, calligraphy, bookbinding, graphic design, typography and papermaking - the cornerstones of the literacy and communications technology on which modern society depends. The League seeks to serve the community as a resource by making affordable book arts classes and workshops available to the public as well as practicing book artists. BAL operates a traditional letterpress studio in which members and the general public can learn about the book arts and the 500 year-old craft of letterpress printing through workshops, classes, regular open houses and outreach activities. Books produced in BAL workshops and classes have been chosen for national juried exhibitions, and have been acquired for individual and library collections.
AN important part of the League's mission is the pr eservation of its collection of the traditional printing presses and metal type now rapidly disappearing from the American scene.
On August 1, 2002, The Book Arts League moved the Eaves pressroom from its home of the past two years at the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts in Lafayette, Colorado. BAL is presently working with the City of Lafayette to repair and restore the historic Ewing Farm as a new, roomier long-term location for our studio. The Book Arts League is a member of the Boulder County Arts Alliance (BCAA).
Julie Seko, President
Brenda Gallagher, Vice-president
Jeff Becker, Secretary
David Ashley, Treasurer
The Book Arts League
PO Box 1544
Boulder, CO 80306-1544
Join the Book Arts League
YOUR membership helps support book arts and letterpress printing. Members receive the BAL Newsletter, receive discounts for League-sponsored events and workshops and have opportunities to volunteer for BAL creative and community projects.
Student membership is $25 per year
Individual membership is $30 per year.
Supporting membership is $60 per year
Patron is $100 per year
Newsletter only is $5 per year.
Mail to: Book Arts League, PO Box 1544,Boulder, CO 80306-1544.
For a membership form in PDF format click: Application.
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The Book Arts League wishes to thank

... for hosting the e-mail discussion groups used by BAL volunteers, and Laura Tyler for maintaining these groups used to coordinate BAL programs.
The League also wishes to thank Brenda Gallagher for hosting this website.
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For information about the Book Arts League contact: