Spring 2009 Class List

POLYMER PLATES FOR THE MASSES Earl Noe will demonstrate how to produce photopolymer plates for letterpress printing on home-made equipment and printing using home-made base material. Minimum participants: 3, maximum: 20.
Where: TBA
Workshop fees: $10 BAL member/$20 non-BAL member

OPEN HOUSE AT EWING FARM The Ewing Farm, an historic centennial farm, is the permanent home for our fully-equipped letterpress printing studio, which includes our historic collection of metal type and restored old printing presses. At our studio, the public can experience an old-fashioned print shop. Come visit us at our open house, view the presses in action, meet members of the BAL and enjoy refreshments!
When: Saturday, June 6, 1-4 PM Where: Ewing farm bunkhouse, 1915 N 95th Street, Lafayette (Please park on Prairie Ridge Drive.)

THREE, THREE-SIDED BOOKS Jeff Becker will teach students the book binding basics including; folding paper, scoring, pasting, materials, tools, & more. Learn to make three small three-sided books in three hours. Students will create cases for all three books, one will have a hard cover. No previous binding experience necessary. Minimum participants: 2, Maximum: 6.
When: Sunday, June 14, 1-4 PM.
Where: Jeff Becker’s house, in Lafayette.
Workshop fees: $35 BAL members, $40 non-BAL members.
Questions: 720-234-4352

TO REGISTER for any class, please send a check for the full amount made out to the Book Arts League along with your name, address, e-mail and phone (Please state if you are a BAL member) to the following address:
BAL c/o Michelle Cuthbertson
1160 Selworthy Court
Lafayette, CO 80026
Registered participants will be sent a materials list beforehand.