A Brief History of the Book Arts League
The Eaves Press and the Book Arts League can trace their earliest beginnings to the Little Press of Este Es, founded by Dr. John Evans, a Denver physician, and his wife, Thelma. Dr. Evans love of Persian art and poetry drew him to Boulder and to Mehdi Nakosteen, an education professor and an Iranian scholar, says J.K. Emery, [pictured below, right] who knew more rubaiyat than Shakespeare knew sonnets.” Emery, then The University of Colorado’s director of publications and a current member and adviser to the Book Arts League, describes with affection the little circle that began meeting at Dr. Evans’ Black Forest home, south of Denver.
“We spent delightful evenings discussing our passion, beautiful books. We examined John’s complicated letterpress, looked at his priceless book collection (including one of Dard Hunter’s famous works on papermaking on original handmade sheets), and listened to the organ recitals with which he accompanied his rich Welsh baritone. Thelma gave demonstrations of her binding techniques and Medhi provided Middle Eastern food well sprinkled with saffron.”
Before Dr. Evans’ death in 1967, he had started printing Nakosteen’s work, Dust and Destiny, completing only the color printing and gold stamping. Emery volunteered to finish the printing and typesetting, “probably foolishly and definitely naively,” he says. It took months of setting and redistributing from the limited sorts and printing only four pages at a time. The book was completed, and the experience gave Emery an idea: Why not move the Este Es Press to Boulder and give it a home at the university?
Nakosteen, his wife, and Mrs. Evans arranged to have the press equipment donated to CU and moved to Norlin library. Then, the Chandler & Price platen press was moved from Johnson Publishing Co. The Este Es Press was rejuvenated, and the Colorado Typographical Society was born. The society, with about six members, was active until the early 70s. The Este Es Press continued to publish occasional works under Nakosteen’s leadership until his death in 1982. The pressroom remained dormant until 1983 when Nora Quinlan became head of Special Collections at Norlin. Her interest in rare books and letterpress printing led to the creation of the Eaves Press, named for its location under the eaves of Norlin’s third floor.
Several years ago, t he personal computer pushed the pressroom from beneath the eaves to its last location. The university auctioned off Dr. Evans’ beautiful German-made letterpress at this time. Around 1990, Julie Seko arrived, and along with Brian Allen, led a further resurgence of interest in the book arts, particularly the operation of the Eaves pressroom. This led to the formation of the present organization, the Book Arts League. Allen served as the League’s first president. Thus, the legacy of a Colorado fine printer led to the formation of Eaves Press, and the Book Arts League.
Then, in 1996, Norlin Library, due to newly-diagnosed structural problems, decided it could no longer house Eaves Press. Concerned that the Eaves equipment might be disposed of, BAL reached an agreement with the University in which the League assumed ownership of the Eaves Press collection and moved it into storage. CU graciously allowed the League to rent University storage space. BAL continued its educational and creative activities during the four-year search for a new home for its presses and type, continuing to operate under the auspices of Friends of the Libraries.
Early in 2000, the the Eaves Press located in the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts, Lafayette, Colorado. On August 1, 2002, because of increasing needs for space at RMCMA, the Eaves press was moved into temporary storage. The League is presently developing plans for a long-term headquarters and studio space located at the Ewing Farm buildings, part of a historic Boulder county homestead. BAL is a 501(c)(3) organization.
The Book Arts League looks forward to continuing to provide a community resource for the book arts, particularly letterpress printing. BAL continues in developing a varied and affordable educational and creative program of exhibits, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, cooperative projects involving other arts groups, and participation in community activities.

The Bunkhouse
The heart of the program will continue to be a working letterpress studio, a place where people can come to get printer's ink on their hands and in their blood. Please watch our Ewing Farm pages for exciting developments regarding the new home of the Book Arts League.
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